Edo State Security Network, ESN, says the group is sad over a rumored bickering between the Nigeria Police Operatives and its Network.

It also urged men of its Network operatives to Continue to place code of conduct above personal interest in its day to day operations to avoid creating fear Among members of the society.

In a voice monitored by our correspondent, and accredited to government house controlled room, explained that the ESN is in good relationship in service with the Police Operatives.

The message further, warned members of the State Security Network to abstain with immediate effect, logos of the Police attached to their operational Uniforms to avoid any arrest.

He enjoined them to apply caution in dealing with the public for the safety of all concerned.

While expressing dissatisfaction with any serving member of the State Security Network, displaying gadgets like, pepper sprays and other related security devices in the Public, he admonished them to find away to make it invisible to those they signed to protect.

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