Those who believe they can misuse a position of power to take unjust advantage of individuals, or establishments, are to face the consequence of such, in no distance time going by the Edo State Government stiff warnings of officers of the Public Works Volunteers Scheme, PUWOV.

Although White Collar and Organizational Crime acts, have been perpetrated since earliest history, recent position of the Edo state Government, if sustained, will create social changes as well as create climate for more conducive activities to thrive.

Coordinator, Public Works Volunteer Scheme, PUWOV, Edo State, Mukhtar Yusuf-Osagie in a statement released addressing citizens on it operational ethos, said government is now ready to wield out uncut members of the scheme.

Yusuf-Osagie noted that erring officials can be identified through the number on their reflective jacket as all officials have a unique identification number at the back of their reflective jacket.

He urged members of the public to Call and report any PUWOV official seen committing an unlawful act by giving priority to commercial drivers and traders in unauthorized areas, as such officials would be made to face consequences of their actions.

The statement reads in part: “We urge you to call to report any PUWOV official found extorting money from drivers and traders on the road as well as also report any PUWOV staff found harassing or victimizing a driver/traders”.

“We want to hear from the public about Official and patrol team wrongfully of operations and enforcement as they are expected to be civil in operations and dealing with offenders; official on operation without the PUWOV reflective jacket. Call or chat the PUWOV helplines on 08132030846 or 09150322999 to report erring officials”.

While Charging Stakeholders to join Government in sustaining the good temple by calling the PUWOV helplines that will help fish out the bad eggs as the Scheme does not condone misconducts and other illicit acts by officials, Yusuf-Osagie,appealed to drivers and traders to patronize Government approved designated commercial motor parks and markets and desist from violating Government laws that creates unnecessary gridlocks on our roads.

He maintained that the Scheme will continue to uphold it mandates of restoring orderliness and discipline in public places.

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