Emotions ran high when helpless onlookers and neighbors could not save the situation as they watched with pains, a near 70-year-old man, Solomon Odogbor and his last Child alongside two others who were hired, got electrocuted while trying to recaot and give his two- Story- building a face lift.

The incident, which happened at the popular Edaken Primary School Road, Uselu Quarters, in Egor Local Government Area, Edo State, had the victims, Odogbor and one of the two laborers died instantly due to the said shocks received by the victims while climbing an iron
constructed scaffolder attached to the building, used during the tragic incident.

Odogbor, the owner of the two-
story building, was said to be preparing ahead of one of his daughter’s marriage when the tragic incident strucked on Friday.

According to Osakpolor Odia, a witness who narrated the ugly incident, blamed the deceased for attaching an iron scaffolder close to a high tension electric cable pole.

Odia disclosed that, he was physically present when the now deceased held the wavering iron scaffolder from the base to give it stability for the laborers who had climbed to embark on the building recaoting.

Shortly, he said, one of the workers screamed for help, as Odogbor the first casualty was seen stocked in-between the scaffolder’s poles rattled with preceding fire from the electrocuted cables.

Osakpolor Odia explaining, he said, “the landlord was holding the scaldfold when he was electrocuted. Himself and his son both of them hold the scaffold poles when electric current attracted the object. Especially the landlord, he was burnt beyond recognition”.

Another eye witness, who is a food vendor corroborated it, adding, “i earlier shouted as I saw them climbing the scaffold poles because the thing near the high tension lines. Before you know it, it was only cry for help I heard and then I ran from my food shop to the house.

Bright Ekuase Awanbor is the Uselu Community head who also confirmed the incident.

He lamented, however, while describing it as tragic.

As of Saturday Morning when Inquest Television News crew visited the scene, Police Operatives, from Ugbowo division, was said to have evacuated the remains of the dead bodies and deposited at the mortuary, whilst others, were taking to the Hospital for onward medical attention.

When contacted for confirmation, the Edo State Police Command Image Maker, SP KONTONGS BELLO said he’s yet to be briefed.

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